
Mystery Stat - Games Played
The following sheets show only one statistic, but... Hey! Settle down! There's only one
stat, but there's lots of pictures. Okay? The five PDFs below show how many games a player has played
on McCoy Softball teams. It doesn't show everybody who's ever played, though. There are close to 800
players in the history of McCoy Softball.
All five sheets show the Top 20 players in Games Played, but each sheet breaks it down
differently. The first sheet shows the Top 20 Regular players. Regular players are the ones who play
every game and pay league fees. The second sheet shows only Rostered players. Rostered players include
Regulars and Subs; everybody who is on at least one of our rosters. The third sheet shows the Top 20
Overall, involving every player who's ever stepped on a field with us in any game. The fourth sheet
shows the Top 20 Men overall and the fifth the Top 20 Women overall.
The Games Played numbers include every game since we began in 1991 through the end of
Summer 2010.
Regular |
Rostered |
Overall |
Men |
Women |